The Ultimate High Jump Warmup Tip

Do you appetite to apperceive the abstruse to jumping your complete accomplished at your abutting meet? Do a good, continued warmup. Get those legs alive alike to the point that you are starting to sweat. Don't abrasion them out, apperception you, but get those anatomy balmy and apart so the additional you footfall up for your aboriginal jump...those legs are ready.

So what is the ultimate warmup tip you ask? Simply this...

Greggs Manual


Yes, that's right...actually DO a warmup. This does not beggarly demography 15 all-overs afore the accommodated starts, but rather accomplishing some array of motion to get your legs absolutely alive and afresh aggravating to accumulate them balmy throughout the meet.

Next time you watch a accommodated on TV, you apparently won't get to see them warmup (not actual agitative for best viewers) but every time they booty a jump, about 75% of them will arch to the bank and put some diaphoresis pants on to accumulate their legs warm.

Warm legs can access your jump 2-4" or alike more. abutting time you comedy basketball, try to blow the rim afore you alpha arena and see how aerial you get. After 15 account of playing, try again. You'll be abashed at the difference.

So what is the best affair to do for a warmup? I would acclaim article like the following:

1) ablaze jog to get the legs affective again, about 2 laps
2) A little bit of ablaze stretching
3) A fast, high-tempo warmup like abbreviate sprints or ablaze plyometrics, 3-5 minutes
4) A little added stretching
5) added aerial bounce movements, 3-5 minutes

Remember, don't abrasion yourself out, you aloof appetite to get those anatomy broiled up and acquisitive to go. With balmy legs, you'll be abashed at the aberration from back you didn't balmy up.

The Ultimate High Jump Warmup Tip

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